Today I
want to reveal problems I experienced this week that were entirely avoidable
and I don’t ever want you to encounter anything similar.
Let me
begin by updating you on that computer I ordered a few weeks ago, the one a
very well-known courier company said they had delivered but in fact they
hadn’t. The computer did actually turn
up, a week later than expected and via an altogether different carrier and the packaging
was in terrible condition.
But worse
was still to come and it gave me two sleepless nights and panic attacks for
several days.
In a
nutshell, what happened was this: as I was installing anti-virus software and Microsoft updates on the new computer, I
very stupidly did something I have many times told my readers never to do. I downloaded what I thought was a genuine programme,
in this case Google Chrome, then I began using the computer.
minutes and going on for several days there were advertisements popping up all
over the screen; I turned a blind eye to them all, believing my anti-virus
software would eliminate all possible threats.
Then my
husband began using the computer and said ‘What’s that ‘b’ in the middle of
Google Chrome’s logo down there?’
that is when the penny dropped and I realised I had innocently downloaded what
is called ‘malware’, a very intrusive programme that can destroy files and
steal essential personal data, like financial and personal details, also eBay
and PayPal and other website passwords.
looked into my programmes folder and found more than twelve malware programmes,
including one called ‘BoBrowser’, the one using a logo that resembles Google
Chrome, with just a few tiny exceptions, including that ‘b’ at its centre.
husband and I spent hours trying to remove those programmes but the faster we
removed them, the more appeared in their place.
Eventually, with more than two hundred suspicious programmes in the
system, I turned off the computer and looked for expert help.
didn’t my anti-virus software detect the problem and prevent me from
downloading the rogue ‘Chrome’ programme?
It’s because malware isn’t always infected, as such, just majorly
disruptive and potentially very damaging, and that is why many anti-virus programmes
will find and remove viruses but not always malware.
long nightmare ended for me using a free malware detection and exclusion
programme from
free trial takes just minutes to remove all malware programmes and the paid for
version will keep your computer malware free.
It cost me £20 to activate my free download and clean up my wonderful
new computer and I can honestly say it’s one of the best investments I have
ever made.
go do the same.
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